Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Outfit of the Day and Christmas Celebrations!

     I'm not much of a Christmas person, but I had quite a good day yesterday! The problem I have with Christmas, I think, goes along with my "Low Expectations" philosophy in a way. All month you're constantly bombarded with the holiday. The songs! The movie specials! The commericals! The sales! During the month of December, I feel like I'm being built up to desire a "classic" or "magical" Christmas; one that doesn't actually exist in reality. I always think I must be missing something when I'm not filled with that magical feeling. Even when I was a child, I never remember Christmas being my favorite holiday. Plus, as I've grown, I've found that spending time with family makes me a tad anxious, probably purely because it's a social situation... Whoops! I don't think I've ever said that out loud, because I'm worried I'll accidentally offend someone. But someone's got to do the tough talk about Christmas! This is a hard-hitting issue, people.

So it's definitely not the "most wonderful time of the year" for me, but seeing my family down by the beach was lovely! Their house is always decked out for Christmas, the ham was great, I cut up a pie for the first time, and we got to watch movies!!! I always feel less pressure on holidays where we're permitted to sit on the couch and watch movies hahaha. I even got to take an hour long nap for the second day in a row, continuing my accidental tradition of never having seen "A Christmas Story" all the way through. 

     I also took this opportunity to do my first Outfit of the Day, mainly because this is the first time I've felt proud of the clothes and makeup I've done since the reanimation of my blog. Also, because holidays make me nervous (now that I've admitted it, I'm realizing how true it is. Wow.), I wanted to waste some time before heading over to my dad's house. This outfit is composed of entirely cheap things, I'm sure, so maybe I can't be a proper fashion blogger, but I can be that cheap, relatable neighborhood fashion blogger... :P

Pictures I took by myself, of myself... Outfit of the Day: 12/25/12

The shirt is definitely from Forever 21, I believe the pants are from Kohl's, and I bought these lovely earrings from Buffalo Exchange last year. And I recently got these beautiful flats on sale at Urban Outfitters for $20. Though I find flats in general to be very uncomfortable, they are not too bad, especially with tiny socks (whatever those may be called... you know the socks I'm talking about, yeah?). And I recently acquired this really sick ring via Cathy's sister, who is trying out Minimalism in 2013! I paired this outfit with a black cardigan right before I left, because even though I'm in Southern California, it's still December!

Happy Living

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