This is my best friend Cathy. She is the most creative and cutest and dorkiest and loveliest and most compassionate person I know, and though I'm not the type to miss people, yesterday I realized how much I've missed her these past couple months at school. And it was the best day I've had since returning to my hometown. Together we traveled to The Camp and The Lab in Costa Mesa in the search of a present and plenty of beautiful goodies to buy for ourselves (well... me. Yesterday somehow evolved into Christmas for me; I bought business casual clothes for myself, Cathy's mother showered me in nail polish, and her sister decided to give me THE ABSOLUTE BEST JEWELRY because she is trying out some minimalism for the coming year. All of which will be featured in a post to follow!).
Outfit of the Day: The Most Adorable Babygirl Ever
Being around Cathy honestly makes me a 203954396468% more creative person. This past quarter, I pretty much reverted to what my friend Rani would affectionately refer to as "hobo mode." I gave up wearing makeup about a week in (which actually did wonders for my self-esteem and my skin, and I spent a lot less time getting ready every morning) and after that went south, my uniform became the same pair of pants with a varied assortment of T-shirts. Not that that is a negative thing whatsoever! This quarter was the happiest I've ever been with the way I look (: But being around Cathy makes my mind go crazy with all of these potential outfit pairings and hairstyles and makeup tricks. Hanging out with her makes my brain want to produce creative things, and it's almost like it forgets the process once she's gone.
Cathy's Perfectly Adorable Hair
After getting lost in rush-hour traffic because my phone refused to accept any route home that didn't involve paying a toll, and accidentally passing by the residence halls at my school, we settled into the drive-thru at Carl's Jr. to get some well-earned combos. After a struggle to order (I've never been the one in the driver's seat to yell out orders at the drive-thru, okay?! It was cause for many apologies on my part, awkward shouting at the call box, and muffled laughter from Cathy in the passenger's seat), we received our food, which included what turned out to be one of the most satisfying burgers of my life, and headed back to Cathy's.
Somehow, like it usually seems to, we ended up on art. As an early Christmas gift from a friend, Cathy got this lovely multi-media kit with an artist's journal inside, and so she wanted help christening the first page. So we... uhm... tried?! With Cathy as a bona fide artist and me as an amateur at best, we ended up with an... interesting... hybrid of Jesus and Frida Kahlo (whose name I affectionately spelled wrong on the painting. Whoops.) If you're in need of a laugh, please direct your attention to the picture directly below:
But whatever, it was fun, attempting to use nail polish for his/her lipstick and listening to reality TV in the background. "I'm going to freaking freak out!" "Jessseee!" I have no idea what television show it was, but this girl was certainly entertaining. Bless you, woman! Hahaha.
This is the first post in what I think is going to be a three-part deal. Stay tuned for a tour around the ever-in-progress, perfect eclecticism that is Cathy's bedroom, and a haul of the clothes and jewelery I procured today. The amount I was given today was insane, in physical gifts and in love, and I'm so thankful. I wish I could express this enough to Cathy and her family. Happy Holidays ♥

Yesterday was one of the greats. Driving around, swearing at other
drivers, car-dancing to some of the best music, feeling my mind unlock
in a way it hasn't in months, scarfing down french fries and Dr. Pepper while steering, and laughing
hysterically with my best friend.
It was the kind of day I've been waiting for.
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